It turns out Geostorm might not be the most scientifically accurate movie. Keep track of the errors with a free Notion account!
My geoengineering Notion page:
So I set out with the intention of watching all of Geostorm to look for scientific errors, but I genuinely couldn't watch further than the intro. If this video does well then I might subject myself to watching the rest. With Greenland, also starring Gerard Butler and extreme weather, coming on the horizon perhaps I could film a sequel as well.
(3) https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wil...
(4) This is an actual book by Mark Lynas on this subject
(5) Video originally by Henrich Boell
(6) https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.c...
(7) https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.c...
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In this video I use my experience as an atmospheric scientist to react to Geostorm, the truly awful movie starring Gerard Butler saving the world from a geoengineering project gone wrong. The movie has an interesting portrayal of geoengineering and climate change in general, and I found that I was reacting to the framing of global warming and geoengineering more than the scientific accuracy. I also go on to discuss the application of solar radiation management as a form of geoengineering, and talk about its significant disadvantages. I apologise for not making it past the intro, but bloody hell is this film bad. Let me know if I should soldier on and watch the rest!
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Music by Epidemic Sound:
Huge thanks to my supporters on Patreon: Cody VanZandt, Jesper Koed, BenDent , Eric Webb, Julian, David Edwards, Jovana, hennersfl, Federico Ameijenda, Jon Sjöberg, Jack Troup, Austin Frazee, SexyCaveman , Joe Mickleburgh, KASponland , James Munro, Andy Hartley, Chrismarie , Oskar Hellström, Sean Richards, Kedar , Omar Miranda, Alastair Fortune, bitreign33 , Mat Allen, Anne Smith, Colin J. Brown, Princess Andromeda, Leighton Mackenzie, Ethan Fuller, Charles Bray, Lachlan Woods, Tim Boxall, Dan Hanvey, Simon Donkers, Kodzo , jawad alalasi, James Bridges, Liam , Wendover Productions, Kendra Johnson.
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