Sukhoi Su-24 Fencer - A Short History

Описание к видео Sukhoi Su-24 Fencer - A Short History

The Sukhoi Su-24 Fencer was developed by the Soviet Union in the 1960's and 1970's. It is a supersonic, all-weather attack aircraft with variable-sweep wing design. The Su-24 Fencer has been used by several countries, including the Soviet Union and Russia.

The Sukhoi Su-24 is still in service in several countries in 2021.

Wikipedia,, License: CC BY-SA 3.0 ( - the text has been modified and shortened

Images in the Public Domain.
"Sukhoi T6-1.jpg" by Mike1979 Russia,, License: CC BY-SA 3.0(
"Sukhoi Su-24.jpg" by Dmitry A. Mottl,, License: CC BY-SA 3.0(
"Il-78M refueling demo Su-24.jpg" by Boevaya mashina,, License: CC BY-SA 4.0 (

"Air exercise of the 11th Mixed Aviation Regiment (10-03-2020).webm" by Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (,, License: CC BY 4.0 (

"Авиация ЦВО перебазирована на оперативные аэродромы в рамках внезапной проверки боеготовности.ogv" by Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (,, License: CC BY 4.0 (

"Su-30SM & Su-24M of the 4th Guards Naval Assault Aviation" by Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (, Regiment.webm, License: CC BY 4.0 (



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