Touhou Ultimate Fatal Octopus - LNNN (No Miss, No Bomb, No Token) Marisa B

Описание к видео Touhou Ultimate Fatal Octopus - LNNN (No Miss, No Bomb, No Token) Marisa B

Just heard about this game, thought it looked pretty and decided to give it a try. Also went with Marisa because i thought her portrait looked pretty. In any case, this is not that bad of a LNNN. The stage isn't too bad, so there's no need to use UFOs. The boss has some dangerous stuff than can get you off guard, but i don't think she has anything too bad.

1st non - The bullets are not that dense. They aren't that fast either. I just try to start each wave in the more open spaces in between the jellybeans.

2nd non - Just dodge while moving to one side and misdirect to be able to restream and deal consistent damage. I really have no real strat for this. Didn't even die to this trying this LNNN.

UFO ~ "Celestial Space Fantasy"
Static spellcard. Just move to the right before the second wave starts moving and you should be fine.

Syrena - Not too bad of an boss, but it's not that easy either.

Invasion ~ "New Genesis Space Invaders"
Pretty easy. Don't move too much. Don't even pay too much attention to the weird moving bullets, focus only on the bubbles and flowers

Unrevealed ~ "Pink UFO Invasion of Elegance"
I'm not sure what to think of this attack. I feel like there's something that i just don't get about it yet. I'm fairly sure the hearts are aimed, though. You can get yourself stuck if you're not careful (like how i almost died in this run because of that).

Tidal Wave ~ "Crimson Tide Inception"
RNG heavy attack. Can be the most free thing ever, or really damn bizarre. It all depends on how the game wants to throw the flowers. I try to dodge while moving the least i can, since changing lanes too much can be really confusing.

Starry Ocean ~ "Rocking Surge Flintlock"
I remember getting confused due to not paying attention to the bubbles the first time i got to this spell lmao. Not too bad once you get the hang of it. Just be careful to not get stuck while the next wave starts.

Black Hole ~ "Collector's Miniature 9mm"
Pretty rough while blind, pretty easy once you figure out how it works. She'll shoot a black hole at the start of each wave. Try to misdirect each one to the middle and just dodge on the bottom. Everything will be fine from there.

The nonspell right after this attack is really rough. Surely one of her hardest attacks. It's a pretty simple attack, but it's pretty easy to get stuck if you're not careful. Well, i probably just don't have a good strat for it yet, since there's no way to practice.

Wonder ~ "Eldritch Gaze Unseen"
Pretty pattern. Also really easy. If you just copy the movement i did here, you can always get really open gaps. The bubbles aren't that big of a deal either

Supernova ~ "Fiery Stage Spotlight"
Just like her 3rd spell, this attack can be either free or pretty troublesome. I'd say it's mostly because of big light orbs. Although this one isn't as volatile, it can kill if you don't pay enough attention.

Aeon Dream ~ "Galactic Love and Antipathy"
I'm not sure if this attack is static or not. Most of the attack is pretty easy, but sometimes i get hit on the third wave. It's prolly just skill issue tho.

"Syrena's Dome Aquatic Pavillion"
Survival spell. Not too bad once you get the hang of it. The yellow fish section can give some trouble at times, but i don't think anything else gives me much trouble. I did get hit once because of the octopus catching up to me due to me just being slow once though lol.

Siren ~ "Heart of the Ocean"
Pretty fun final spell. Took me some tries to get the hang of it. I still think it could pretty easily kill me on the final waves, but i don't think it's too bad overall. It's probably harder than your usual extra boss final spell tho. In any case, yeah, this is my favorite spell in the game, definitively. I would be lying if i said i didn't get nervous in the end.

Anyway, guess i should talk a bit the game overall. I think the difficulty is fine. It's nothing that hard, but the patterns are still quite enjoyable. The art is beautiful and the themes are pretty good as well. The dialogue is pretty fun too.. although you won't be reading it in this video lol. Just play the game if you're interested. It's pretty cheap, it's quite worth it.

Played for 2 hour and a half to 100% the game. I would say it was a relaxing experience. It's always fun trying out a new game. Props to the people that made this game, you've done a good job. Also, i might check out this Vtuber now. Apparently, she plays touhou games, so that could be fun.

In any case, i hope you enjoyed the video!


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