Wu Ji (guzheng, hammered dulcimer) 《无羁》 古筝 扬琴 (李寒;冯汝媛)

Описание к видео Wu Ji (guzheng, hammered dulcimer) 《无羁》 古筝 扬琴 (李寒;冯汝媛)


The origin of this video/此视频来源于:
《风华国乐》/Fenghua Chinese Music, 03/19/2020
作曲/composer: 林海/Lin Hai
演奏乐器:古筝/guzheng;扬琴/hammered dulcimer
演奏者:李寒/Li Han;冯汝媛/Feng Ruyuan

《风华国乐》是一档专注中国民乐的音乐节目,自中央电视台音乐频道2004年开播以来延续至今。栏目秉承传承民族音乐精髓,推广民乐新理念,推出了大量的民乐新人新秀。 栏目为以介绍中华民族传统音乐文化,展示民族音乐艺术家魅力为主要内容,集中展示了国内外知名的民乐演奏家及年轻一代民乐新秀。

"Fenghua Chinese Music" is a music program focusing on Chinese folk music, which has continued since the launch of CCTV Music Channel in 2004. The program inherits the essence of folk music, promotes new concepts of folk music, and introduces a large number of new folk music talents. The main content of the program is to introduce the traditional music culture of the Chinese nation and show the charm of national music artists. (Google Translate)

Fenghua Chinese Music Playlist/往期《风华国乐》播放列表:

无羁(Wu Ji) is the ending theme song of the Chinese drama "The Untamed" (陈情令).
   • 《陈情令 The Untamed》【非MV】主题曲《无羁》OST——肖战 ...  
   • 【陈情令粉丝见面会】肖战王一博倾情合唱《无羁》 Xiao Zhan&Wan...  
   • 【ENG SUB】王一博YIBO、肖战XiaoZhan天天向上合唱陈情令主...  

Born in 1969, 林海/Lin Hai learned to play the piano at age four. 1988 he majored in piano at the China Central Music College and the next year he became the only and unprecedented Chinese nominee for the 8th Van Cliburn Musical Contest held in the U.S. In 1992 he began giving concerts in Taiwan and China and composed movie scores and TV drama scores. Now one of the most promising and successful Chinese pianists, he focuses on composing jazz and eastern new age music. As critics term it, Lin Hai is a genius who has "an easternized right hand and a westernized left hand" and he plays improvisational jazz out of a disciplined classical background. He has also been described as having "the temperament of Chopin, as well as the languidness and elegance of Debussy.” (mydramalist.com)

Lin Hai's Weibo/林海的微博:
Lin Hai's Youtube Channel/林海的油管频道:    / @user-wz2dd8uf3t  
Lin Hai's Douyin/林海的抖音号: 51622926701

李寒 青年古筝演奏家,中央音乐学院继续教育学院古筝教师。6岁习筝,启蒙于韩秀英老师,现就读于中央音乐学院,师从著名古筝演奏家吉炜副教授。期间,受教于中国东方歌舞团古筝演奏家滕春江老师。2007年以第一名的成绩考入中央音乐学院附小,2008年以第一名的成绩考入中央音乐学院附中,2014以民乐专业第一名的成绩被中央音乐学院附中推荐为免试生、保送进入大学。2017年以民乐专业第一名的成绩推免保送攻读硕士,同年获得金钟奖。



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