"Agree it" music video

Описание к видео "Agree it" music video

An educational music video about Spanish adjectives as performed by students from North Olmsted High School (N. Olmsted, OH) and their Spanish teacher. Based on Michael Jackson's "Beat it" video.

"Agree it" -- Lyrics by Señor Reynolds, 2009

You know Spanish nouns
And some ad-ject-ives
But don't KNOW what kind of endings
You wanna give.
Take a look at the number.
Take a look at the gender.
Agree it! Agree it!

"A tall boy" is
"Un chico alto."
But if he's a tall girl,
How does that ending go?
Take a look at the noun
and change the adjective.
Agree it! Spanish adjectives!

Agree it! (Agree it!)
Agree it! (Agree it!)
It's so easy, can't you see it?
Nouns that end in 'a,' are feminine.
The adjective changes 'cuz nouns always win.
Agree it! Agree it!
Agree it! Agree it!

Adjectives match gender
and they match number too.
So when your noun is plural,
What you gonna do?
Add an 's' at the end
of the adjective.
Agree it! Agree it!

So now you get to thinkin'
ad-jec-tives are ea-sy.
But sometimes adjectives,
They end in 'e.'
You don't have to be afraid.
You don't have to make a change.
Just leave it!

If it ends in 'e,'
Just leave it! (Leave it!) Leave it! (Leave it!)
If it ends in 'e' just leave it!
If it ends in 'o,' it's masculine.
If it ends in 'a' it's feminine.

Agree it! (Agree it!)
Agree it! (Agree it!)
It's so easy, can't you see it?
If there is no 's,' it's singular.
If it is plural, give it a whirl:
Agree it!...Agree it, 'gree it, 'gree it!

Agree it! (Agree it!)
Agree it! (Agree it!)
It's so easy, can't you see it?
Nouns that end in 'a,' are feminine.
The ad-jec-tive changes 'cuz nouns always win.

Agree it! (Agree it!)
Agree it! (Agree it!)
It's so easy, can't you see it?
If there is no 's,' it's singular.
If it is plural, give it a whirl.

Just leave it! (Leave it!) Leave it! (Leave it!)
If it ends in 'e' just leave it!
If it ends in 'o,' it's masculine.
If it ends in 'a' it's feminine.

Agree it! (Agree it!)
Agree it! (Agree it!)
It's so easy, can't you see it?
Nouns that end in 'a,' are feminine.
The adjec-tive changes 'cuz nouns always win.


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