🔥Subby boyfriend BEGS to adopt a kitten (spicy ASMR | deep voice m4a)

Описание к видео 🔥Subby boyfriend BEGS to adopt a kitten (spicy ASMR | deep voice m4a)

Happy Valentine's Day! Hear the VERY spicy 34-minute episode at https://linktr.ee/deepdarkaudio 🔥💝

POV: You're relaxing at home, cooking up some Valentine's Day plans, when your big, strong, submissive boyfriend returns from his walk with a surprise: a tiny baby kitten that he's in love with! When you suggest bringing the cat to an animal shelter, a playful argument ensues. But it quickly becomes clear that your subby boyfriend needs to adopt the little guy. He tearfully begs, bargains, pleads, and whimpers for your permission. And the longer your subby boyfriend talks, the more obvious it becomes that he'll do absolutely anything to convince you.

Visual design by   / papaverp  

This content is for entertainment purposes only. All characters portrayed are 18+.

#asmr #boyfriend #audiorp #spicy #begging #deepvoice #raspy #pleading #valentinesday


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