SUSU GORENG SPANYOL [LECHE FRITA]: Renyah di luar Lembut Di dalam

Описание к видео SUSU GORENG SPANYOL [LECHE FRITA]: Renyah di luar Lembut Di dalam

Susu goreng ini adaptasi dari resepnya Chef Spanyol yaitu Mr. Gorka Barredo.
Hanya saja saya bikin separuhnya dari resep asli. Selain itu juga komposisinya beberapa sudah saya modif sesuai selera, diantaranya penggunaan kuning telur saya kurangi, Maizennanya saya tambah sedikit dan untuk kulitnya saya baluri tepung panir dengan begitu tekstur luarnya bisa lebih kriuk lagi.

1 kuning telur [kalau mau ala Sugor Taiwan bisa cukup putih telurnya saja atau satu telur utuh, hanya saja hasilnya nanti lebih kenyal teksturnya]
100 ml susu cair + 50 gr tepung Maizenna
4 sdm gula
250 ml susu UHT
2-3 buah kulit lemon, bagian putihnya jangan diikutkan ya karena justru bikin pahit.
1 batang kayu manis
1 sdm mentega
1-2 tetes essence vanilla

BAHAN PELAPIS: Secukupnya tepung Maizenna, tepung panir dan telur dikocok lepas

UNTUK TABURAN: Secukupnya icing sugar dan bubuk kayumanis


This fried milk or well known as Leche Frita recipe is derived and adapted from the method shared by Spanish Chef, Mr. Gorka Barredo.
I made half of the original recipe. In addition, some of the compositions are modified according to taste, including the use of egg yolks which is deliberately reduced to one instead of one and a half, the use of cornstarch added a little more. And for the coating here I add the bread crumbs so that the texture becomes more crispy.

1 egg yolk [for style of Taiwanese fried milk use only the egg white or one whole egg, yet the texture is more chewy then]
100 ml of liquid milk + 50 gr of Cornstarch
4 tbsp. sugar
250 ml of liquid milk
2-3 lemon peels, do not include the white part because it makes it bitter
1 cinnamon stick
1 tbsp. butter
1-2 drops of vanilla essence

COATING: Cornstarch, bread crumbs and an egg

SPRINKLE: Icing sugar and cinnamon powder


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