Clam Series : Crocea Clams with ORA

Описание к видео Clam Series : Crocea Clams with ORA

Out of all my years working for, my top 3 watched and engaging video has been the clam video. I have listening to what many of you guys have asking for and decided to split up and create a series of it's own by giving you different videos by it's own specie to you guys more in-depth and accurate information instead of blanket general information which may not apply to some species of clams.

In order to do this, we went to one of the largest aquaculture facility in North America, ORA (Oceans, Reefs & Aquarium) to begin a new series. (I will visit various clam farms to make this series) It took 2 years to fully materialize and I hope that you guys find this video useful and entertaining. I certainly had a blast making this video and made the 4 hour round trip drive totally worth it.

We will start this series off with one of my personal favorite clam.
Tridacna crocea. (I personally have 3 of them in my tank)



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