Black cat in spiderman 4 , Galactus casting in fantastic 4 , deadpool and thor |popin 2| pop life|

Описание к видео Black cat in spiderman 4 , Galactus casting in fantastic 4 , deadpool and thor |popin 2| pop life|

Popin news episode 2

In this video there are some layers of latest and fresh news about pop culture and superhero universe.

summary of the video

1) black cat in spider man 4
2) new lord of rings movie release in 2026 the hunt for gollum
3) ralph ineson cast as galactus in fantastic four
4) new promotional art deadpool
5) armor war film cancel
6) thunderbolts bts
7) venom 3 merch stunt team
8) thor in deadpool?
9) 9 film for planet of apes
10) fantastic 4 shooting end july

#poplife #desinerd #comicverse #news


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