EXPERIMENT NO-3 To Determine The suspended Solids, Dissolved Solids and Total Solids of Water Sample

Описание к видео EXPERIMENT NO-3 To Determine The suspended Solids, Dissolved Solids and Total Solids of Water Sample

Title: To determine Suspended solids, Dissolved solids and Total Solids of waste water sample.
Objective: To compute the different solids by using formulae.
Apparatus: Balance, Porcelain dish, Filter paper, Beakers with its holder, Measuring cylinder ,Hot air oven.
Total Solid(TS): This is the matter that remains as residue upon evaporation and drying at 103˚C-105˚C in an oven. This is called total solids.
Suspended Solids: These are the solids in waste water, that remain present on filter paper ,while filtering the sample through a fine filter. The suspended solids contain much of the organic matter.
Dissolved solids: The filtrate remaining in beaker after filtering the sample through filter, contains dissolved solids. It includes mainly inorganic salts, small amount of organic matter and dissolved gases.
Stepwise Procedure:
For Total Solids:
1. Weigh the given porcelain dish (clean & dry) and record its weight(W1) gm.
2. Take 100ml of sample in porcelain dish
3. Place the dish in an oven.
4. Evaporate to dryness in an oven at 103˚C to 105˚C for about 24 hours.
5. Cool the dish and weigh it(W2) gm
For Suspended Solids:
1. Take a Watts man's filter paper No.42 and record its weight(W3) gm.
2.Filter 100ml sample of water by using above filter paper.
3. Place the filter with residue in an oven and evaporate it to dryness.
4. Read the weight of the filter paper and residue(W4).
For Total solids(TS):
S.No. Name of Water/waste water sample Volume of Sample (ml) Weigh of dish(gm)
Initial (W1) Final (W2) Difference (W2-W1)

For Suspended Solids(SS)
S.No. Name of water/Waste water Sample Volume of sample Weight of filter paper
Initial (W3) Final (W4) Difference (W4-W3)

Sample Calculations:
1. Concentration of total Solids,(mg/l)=(W2-W1)*1000*1000/Volume of sample =....... mg/l
2. Concentration of total Suspended Solids(mg/l)
= (W4-W3) *1000*1000/Volume of Sample =.......mg/l
3. Concentration of Total Dissolved Solids = Conc. of Total Solids-Conc. of Suspended solids.

• The total solids in a given sample are found to be......mg/l
• The suspended solids in a given sample are found to be....mg/l.
• The total dissolved solids in a given sample are found to be....mg/l.


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