Simplycook EP.55 椰汁班蘭糕 Pandan Coconut Cake

Описание к видео Simplycook EP.55 椰汁班蘭糕 Pandan Coconut Cake

Pandan cake is a light, fluffy, green-coloured sponge cake flavoured with the juices of Pandan Leaves. You still have the peace of mind that the coloring is all-natural instead of using green dye.

食材 / Ingredient List:
斑蘭葉 2片 / 2 Pandan Leaves
椰汁 200ml / 200mL Coconut Milk
粘米粉 14g / 14g Rice Flour
糖 100g / 100g Sugar
木薯粉 140g / 140g Tapioca Flour
油 少許/ Little Oil

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↓ 背景音樂 Background music (variation) ↓
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♫ 錫安新歌 Zion New Song # 1146 要報答上帝恩 ♫


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