How To Crack DySO In 100 Days?

Описание к видео How To Crack DySO In 100 Days?

In this video, we covered how to crack GPSC Class 3 DySO Exam in First Try within 100 Days in 2019.

There was a FREE GPSC Master Guide DySO Seminar organized at Town Hall, Gandhinagar.

Mr.NathaBhai Nangas(IRS) who cracked UPSC Exam with notable Rankings. He Reveals The Secret Of Getting Successful in any of Competitive Exams including DYSO Exam was the chief guest of GPSC DySO Seminar at Town Hall, Gandhinagar

Hiren Dave(Director of LAKSH Career Academy) invited chief guest, GPSC Pass Out Candidates and all aspirants would like to become DySO in 2019 - 2020 for the GPSC Master Guide Seminar at Town Hall Gandhinagar.

LAKSH Career Academy is currently running New Special DySO Batches from 16 September 2019 at Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar both the location. For More Information,

LAKSH Career Academy has started in 2011 and many candidates trained from here for GPSC and UPSC. It has GPSC Coaching class in Ahmedabad

GPSC candidates once passed the mains exam will start preparation for GPSC Interview and at that time LAKSH Career Academy provides GPSC Mock Interview facility free of cost.

LAKSH Career Academy has the Upcoming Government Section where all the details are available of exams conducted by Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC). It has GPSC Coaching class in Gandhinagar location also

There are more than 26 candidates selected out of around 300 candidates appear for the GPSC Exam.

Hiren Dave Sir Director of LAKSH Career Academy also an author of Gujarat Samachar writing an article in Shatdal Purti every Wednesday. For each and every article Click Below.

LAKSH Career Academy also provides the training for PSI/Constable exam and Gaun Seva Pasandgi Mandal in Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar both.

Hiren Dave Sir right now discussing little bit about the DySO Bharti 2019 published by Gujarat Government for 2019 - 2020 at Town Hall, Gandhinagar .

The DySO Exam form filled by more than 1 lakh 25 thousand aspirants for the 154 seats published by Gujarat Government between 16 august 2019 to 31 August 2019

The minimum qualification require to appear for DySO Exam is 20 years of age and graduation certificate in any stream.

DySO Exam is of two stages.

1) In 1 st stage out of 1 lakh 25 thousand aspirants near about 1000 will be selected through the scrutinize process of DySO Prelim Exam.

In the DySO Prelim Exam DySO Preparation are of 8 subjects.

1) History
2) Culture
3) Polity
4) Mental Ability
5) Economy
6) Geography
7) Science and Technology
8) Current Affairs.
The prelim exam will be held in December 2019 and mains will be in the month of may 2020.

The result of DySO 2018 was released in the month of September 2019 and so many competitive crackers clear the DySO Exam from LAKSH Career Academy with an example like Dhairya Shah

DySO/Dy Mamlatdar is a super class 3 exam held by GPSC(Gujarat Public Service Commission) having a syllabus almost similar to GPSC Class 1 & 2.

There are various types of competitive exams held by GPSC and each post has it's specific role, growth opportunity and salary unique.

So, We must understand the role of that post before even filled out the form for competitive exams.

Gujarat Government in Gandhinagar at sachivalay having role of policy making , budgeting , implementation of various schemes .

DySO has very important role in the sachivalay. The work of Sachivalay divided in 27 departments.

Each and every department has different branches or sections. The head of section known as Section Officer and every section officer have DySO who help Section Officer in his/her work.

1) Non Transferable Job
2) Special Status and Respect

The other attraction in DySO is that you have limited workload as compare to the other Gujarat Government Jobs and you have special status and respect as you are working in Sachivalay power hub of Gujarat Government.

DySO Prelim Subjects

1) History
2) Culture
3) Polity
4) Mental Ability
5) Economy
6) Geography
7) Science and Technology
8) Current Affairs

In DySO Prelim Exam you need 100 out of 200 marks as cut off to clear in this 2019 DySO Prelim Exam.

DySO Prelim Exam will be conduct on 8 December 2019 and result will be announced in February 2020.

In May 2020 DySO Mains Exam will be conduct and there are four papers in it.

1) English
2) Gujarati
3) Genereal Studies Paper - 1
4) Genereal Studies Paper - 2

LAKSH Career Academy is providing the coaching for DySO Preparation and you can attend the FREE Demo Class from 16 September 2019 onward.


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