[Eng-Recipe] How to make Coconut cream bun(椰絲奶油包)

Описание к видео [Eng-Recipe] How to make Coconut cream bun(椰絲奶油包)

面糰可參考甜面糰直接法或湯種面糰做法(How to make Sweet Bread Dough or How to make Basic Dough Utane Dough)
6個包面材料份量:糖(sugar)2茶匙(2tsp)、水(water)1茶匙(1tsp)以上材料混合用作掃包面、椰絲(dessicated coconut)
奶油忌廉材料份量:無鹽牛油(unsalt butter)80g、糖粉(icing sugar)20g、雲呢拿油 (vanilla extract)1茶匙(1tsp),以上材料用電動打蛋器打勻待用。
Please refer to my other video to make the dough:    • [Eng-Subbed] How to make Basic Dough ...  
(Bread should be baked for 12-15 minutes at 170°c)
Recipe for 6 buns:
Cream Ingredients: Unsalted butter 80g, Icing sugar 20g, Vanilla extract 1tsp
Bun surface Ingredients: Sugar 2tsp, Water 1tsp, Desiccated coconut
Beat the butter until soft then add the sugar and vanilla extract, now put the cream into an icing tube/bag. To make the coconut surface mix the sugar and water together then layer it on the bun surface, place the bun in the coconut so it sticks on the bun. Put some cream in the middle of the bun and you're done.


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