Dirt road near Wagener, SC

Описание к видео Dirt road near Wagener, SC

Highway 20 was blocked, so I took a numbered road as a bypass. Paving ended and the dirt road began..passed a couple of ponds/lakes, some horse farms, roofs with blue tarps.

There was also a house boat in the field near a pond, with a carport type roof over it. Think of it like a mobile home, except it is a boat sitting on land with a carport type roof over it. It was a huge house boat, too.

The road got really rough, like a washboard with peaks and troughs. I was following a pickup truck and a tractor trailer hauling a full load of 2" x 4"s. It struggled up the hills in a few parts, but it finally made it back onto a paved road. The whole time, I was praying it wouldn't get stuck because,in many places, there was no place I could use to get around it.


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