Restorative Cities: Urban Design for Mental Health and Wellbeing

Описание к видео Restorative Cities: Urban Design for Mental Health and Wellbeing

Overcrowding, noise and air pollution, long commutes and lack of daylight can take a huge toll on the mental wellbeing of city-dwellers. Covid-19 brought home just how much the spaces we occupy on a day-to-day basis can affect our mental health - we also need open spaces to drive down infection rates and to help people maintain their wellbeing, whilst providing spaces for us to connect with each other. With mental healthcare services under increasing pressure, now's the time to seize the opportunity for a better approach to urban design and to find a solution.

The book “Restorative Cities” establishes a blueprint to better design our cities for mental health and wellbeing. It examines a range of strategies– from sensory architecture to place-making for creativity and community– offering an evidence-based approach for designers, planners, health practitioners and researchers alike.

The event features Dr. Jenny Roe, a Professor and Director of the Center for Design & Health in the School of Architecture, University of Virginia, and Dr. Layla McCay, Director of the Centre for Urban Design and Mental Health, Director of Policy at the National Health Service Confederation. This webcast is part of the IHCD International Inclusive Design Webcast Series in Memory of Eliza Forrest Kaye Bromfield.


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