This stage almost made cry and lose my mind [The Sagespire Ultimaniac S Rank No Wykes]

Описание к видео This stage almost made cry and lose my mind [The Sagespire Ultimaniac S Rank No Wykes]

It's finally over. Now we truly know all about anguish, suffering and pain. And it was absolutely worth it for no reason other than bragging rights. How many people do you know have cleared this stage on ultimaniac without wykes and with an S rank on top of it? That's right. At least one. Me.

Sorry about that. I had to get it out of my system. I did technically die once because I didn't do a stomp to reset my feats while in the air and I had already tried to dodge once, so couldn't get out of the iron giant's attack, but I had decided to use the revivement bit for the increased lb regen and boy was I glad that I did. The escapement bit actually made it easier to get S ranks since I could use more thunderstorms during boss fights. I was only a few thousand points away from an S rank in the first omicron leg (3.2M would've been enough,) and I don't really remember what the threshold is for Asterios but I wasn't taking any risks after dying to its deadly swing more times than I care to admit. Nourshiment is always very good. That coupled with the increased lb regen made it so I could have most of my potions for the Omega fight, which I really needed, especially since I got slapped around a couple of times and it could've been another game over if I had gotten there with no heals again.

Anyways, now I gotta figure out what to do with the channel, but I'm already considering doing a sort of challenge run where I level up as little as possible, use no armor and never change out of the imperial army sword. At least to keep me busy while we wait for Rising Tides to come out (announcement on the 22nd! Less than a week away!) Either that, or actually do some guides on how to get S ranks in ultimaniac, sharing everything I've learned these past few months. I'm still gonna probably take a lil break after these past two weeks of intense suffering.

00:00:00 Intro
00:00:12 Leg 1
00:02:08 Leg 2
00:07:40 Leg 3 (Sigma)
00:14:58 Leg 4
00:16:54 Leg 5
00:18:50 Leg 6
00:23:40 Leg 7 (Omicron)
00:28:45 Leg 8
00:30:23 Leg 9
00:32:29 Leg 10
00:40:30 Leg 11
00:42:44 Leg 12
00:44:46 Leg 13 (Asterios)
00:49:35 Leg 14
00:51:20 Leg 15
00:55:07 Omega
00:59:10 Omega Aionios
01:12:38 Stage Results & Gear

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