Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine 예수로 나의 구주삼고- Jennifer Jeon 제니퍼 전(영은)

Описание к видео Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine 예수로 나의 구주삼고- Jennifer Jeon 제니퍼 전(영은)

#바이올린찬양 #ViolinPraise #JenniferJeon

Accompanied by You Shin Kim

A Violin for His Glory

1.예수로 나의 구주 삼고 /성령과 피로써 거듭나니

이 세상에서 내 영혼이 /하늘의 영광 누리도다

이것이 나의 간증이요/ 이것이 나의 찬송일세

나 사는 동안 끊임없이/구주를 찬송 하리로다

1.Bless-ed as-sur-ance, Je-sus is mine!

O what a fore-taste of glo-ry di-vine!

Heir of sal-va-tion, pur-chase of God,

Born of His Spir-it, washed in His blood.

This is my sto-ry, this is my song,

Prais-ing my Sav-iour all the day long;

This is my sto-ry, this is my song,

Prais-ing my Sav-iour all the day long.

2.Per-fect sub-mis-sion, per-fect de-light,

Vi-sions of rap-ture now burst on my sight;

An-gels de-scend-ing, bring from a-bove

Ech-oes of mer-cy, whis-pers of love.

This is my sto-ry, this is my song,

Prais-ing my Sav-iour all the day long;

This is my sto-ry, this is my song,

Prais-ing my Sav-iour all the day long.

3.Per-fect sub-mis-sion, all is at rest,

I in my Sav-ior am hap-py and blest;

Watch-ing and wait-ing, look-ing, a-bove,

Filled with His good-ness, lost in His love.

This is my sto-ry, this is my song,

Prais-ing my Sav-iour all the day long;

This is my sto-ry, this is my song,

Prais-ing my Sav-iour all the day long. A-men.


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