Woodstock: 3 Days Of Peace And Music

Описание к видео Woodstock: 3 Days Of Peace And Music

Woodstock documentary created by Sean Goosherst. This is my project for my final exam grade in AP World History. Created and Publish 31 May 2018.

I had a lot of fun creating this video. I learned a lot about the various aspects and effects of Woodstock '69. I also find it greatly entertaining to create videos of all kinds, especially like this one.

Bibliography below. List of Songs Used in the video below the Bibliography.

“Woodstock 1969.” Woodstock Story, www.woodstockstory.com/woodstock1969.html.

“Country Joe & the Fish -- Vietnam Song.” YouTube, YouTube, 8 May 2013,    • Country Joe & the Fish -- Vietnam song  .

“The Woodstock '69 Lineup.” Woodstock, www.woodstock.com/lineup/.

“Woodstock Music Festival Concludes.” History.com, A&E Television Networks, www.history.com/this-day-in-history/woodstock-music-festival-concludes.

“1969 Fast Facts: Woodstock.” Fox News, FOX News Network, www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2009/07/19/fast-facts-woodstock.html.

SONGS USED (in order of Appearance)
Purple Haze -- Jimi Hendrix (used as intro)
Try (just a little bit harder) -- Janis Joplin
Hey Joe -- Jimi Hendrix
Bad Moon Rising -- Creedence Clearwater Revival
Coming into Los Angeles -- Arlo Guthrie (used as outro)

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