Let's Play Control Part 4, Entering Research

Описание к видео Let's Play Control Part 4, Entering Research

We're straight up breezing through the game! We've acquired a shield and done roughly have of the Research Floor. Next time we're going to go get the Lightbox (what an interesting mechanic that will introduce).

Thanks for tuning in! 😀 I'm having a good time so far, not burning out at all. Doing an episode each of both games is turning out to be a refreshing experience for me. I like mixing it up! I'm considering doing grinding off the record just to level up and skip some of the grinding in both games. What's your thoughts on this? Do you prefer to see my grinding process or rather I skip it and go to the story/plot content? Let me know your thoughts in the comments! I'll have more tomorrow. Stay safe everyone!


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