GBO2 MSN-06S Sinanju (Post-Buff): "Let's test the performance of your new Gundam!"

Описание к видео GBO2 MSN-06S Sinanju (Post-Buff): "Let's test the performance of your new Gundam!"

This video contains two rmatches I had with the recently buffed Sinanju on Gundam Battle Operation 2. It is a 700 cost general with the greatest mobility in the entire game, great melee damage, good durability, three stuns and the ability to break any level of MA with High Speed Mobile Shooting. It has few weaknesses, apart from its ranged DPS output being worse than others, although it can still output enough to compete. This suit was recently buffed with +2000 HP, LV3 Leg Buffer, +1500 shield HP, -50% thrust usage in Psychoframe Resonance, 60 seconds to use the High Speed Mobile Shooting skill, 180% downswing modifier for the shield axe alongside 12 seconds reload and a larger hitbox for the beam rifle. I had my highest damage game so far in a general in the first match, but it was quite stompy. The second match was a little less stompy and might be a more fair showing. I hope that you enjoy watching!

The primary ranged weapon of the Sinanju is a beam rifle with 2800 power, 6 ammo, 5 seconds cooldown, 12 seconds reload, 0.77 swap time, 450m range and 20% stagger value. It has fast cooldown and high damage for an instant stagger beam rifle, it is affected by High Speed Mobile Shooting.
Its primary melee weapon is a beam saber with 2800 power, 2.5 seconds cooldown, 0.33 seconds swap time and 75%x2 downswing modifier. The downswing has high power alongside it using the very fast Hyaku Shiki animation.
Its first sub weapon is a vulcan gun with 185 power, 30 ammo, 360 RPM, 5 seconds reload, 0.5 seconds swap, 180m range, 1100 DPS and 7% stagger value. This has good performance as far as vulcans go, with high DPS and fair stagger value. Ideal for finishing off enemies.
Its second sub weapon is a bazooka with 2900 power, 4 ammo, 6.5 seconds cooldown, 15 seconds reload, 1.75 seconds swap, 400m range and 80% stagger value. This has the longest swap time of your stuns so it is best to begin stunlocking combos with this first. It has high damage and long range.
Its third sub weapon is a beam naginata with 2900 power, 2.5 seconds cooldown, 0.77 seconds swap, standard swing modifiers and 70% combo modifier. This is much harder to initiate with than the beam saber due to the slower swap time and short range, but two swings from it will do huge damage. The downswing can also be used on its own to precisely aim around enemy buffer areas.
Its fourth sub weapon is a beam sword axe with 3000 power, 3.5 seconds cooldown, 0.77 seconds swap, 100% side swing modifier and 180% downswing modifier. It knocks down on neutral/side swings and has very high damage on downswing. It is best to go for knockdowns with your beam saber, this is much more effective when used mid combo for huge damage.
Its fifth sub weapon is a beam rifle grenade with 1800 power, 1 ammo, 8 seconds reload, 0.77 seconds swap, 150m range and 10% stagger value. Though this is short range, it is an instant stagger with a decent splash radius.

The Sinanju has 23000 HP, 24 beam/ballistic defence and 30 melee defence. Considering the 9000 HP shield, 25% leg buffer and 30% back buffer, it is actually rather durable. It has LV1 Damage Control, LV1 Maneuver Armor and LV2 Emergency Evasion for defensive skills.
In terms of mobility it has 140 walking speed, 230 boosting speed, 85 thrust and 84 turning speed. While very high on its own, the boosting speed is buffed by +15 when using the LV2 Flexible Thrusters skill. This is activated by using your LV4 Forced Injectors or LV3 Flight Control skills and reduces thrust consumption by 60% while being used. Mobility is buffed yet further at 50% HP once Psychoframe Resonance (F) activates. This buffs walking by +10, boosting speed by +10, reduces thrust usage by -50% and adds +25 turning speed. This makes you insanely mobile and also lets your boosting speed cap out at the maximum possible of 250 in combination with your flexible thrusters. It also more than triples the time to lock onto you with funnels, so it can give suits that rely on lock on attacks a hard time.
It has a unique powerful skill called LV1 High Speed Mobile Shooting. This is activated via the touchpad and lasts for 60 seconds. It lets you fire your beam rifle while boosting and causes it to break MA no matter what. You can practically win 1v1s for free if you have this activated, and you can easily hunt down raids no matter their stagger resistance.

Overall I think that the post buff Sinanju will be an absolute monster if you have the skills required to use it properly, maybe competing with or even surpassing Banshee Norn in some scenarios. Its impressive melee damage and mobility have been enhanced, while at the same time basically the one weakness it had has been fixed because they gave it a huge buff to durability. If you have this suit, I heavily recommend that you learn it. Thanks for watching!

Music used:

Kingdom Hearts III, Wave of Darkness phases 1 and 2

Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, A Good Thing is Possible


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