BOTANY/ BSC 1 SEM / CLASS-5 / Gram positive & Gram negative bacteria / BY AMIT MAVI

Описание к видео BOTANY/ BSC 1 SEM / CLASS-5 / Gram positive & Gram negative bacteria / BY AMIT MAVI

BOTANY/ BSC 1 SEM / CLASS-5 / Gram positive & Gram negative bacteria / BY AMIT MAVI
Sure! Here’s a simplified overview of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria for your Botany B.Sc. class:

Gram-Positive Bacteria
Cell Wall Structure:

Thick peptidoglycan layer (20-80 nm).
No outer membrane.
Stains purple during Gram staining due to crystal violet retention.

Generally more susceptible to antibiotics like penicillin.
Often produce exotoxins.
Examples: Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae.

Cocci (e.g., Staphylococcus).
Bacilli (e.g., Bacillus).
Gram-Negative Bacteria
Cell Wall Structure:

Thin peptidoglycan layer (1-3 nm).
Presence of an outer membrane containing lipopolysaccharides (LPS).
Stains pink during Gram staining due to the counterstain (safranin).

More resistant to antibiotics due to outer membrane barrier.
Often produce endotoxins (part of LPS).
Examples: Escherichia coli, Salmonella.

Cocci (e.g., Neisseria).
Bacilli (e.g., Pseudomonas).
Key Differences
Feature Gram-Positive Gram-Negative
Cell Wall Thickness Thick (peptidoglycan) Thin (peptidoglycan + outer membrane)
Staining Reaction Purple Pink
Sensitivity to Antibiotics More sensitive More resistant
Endotoxins/Exotoxins Mostly exotoxins Endotoxins (LPS)
Importance in Botany
Understanding the differences between these bacteria is crucial in fields like plant pathology, where certain pathogens may affect plant health. Gram staining can help identify bacterial infections in plants and inform treatment methods.

If you need more specific details or examples, feel free to ask!
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