How to measure the Qubit assay in microplates

Описание к видео How to measure the Qubit assay in microplates

This video shows a simple example of how to adapt the Life Technologies Qubit Broad Range or High Sensitivity dsDNA quantification assay kits to a higher throughput microplate format using Tecan's microplate readers and Magellan software.

There are a variety of ways that DNA samples can be prepared and diluted prior to measuring them with these kits. This video example assumes that all samples and standards will be diluted from their initial stock concentrations in a 1:20 dilution. 10ul of sample into 190ul of Qubit working solution.

If your application of these kits involves dilutions other than 1:20, please be mindful that you will need to enter/edit the dilution factors of your samples in your Magellan method. If you leave the dilutions for the samples as just 1, you will get incorrect concentration output. Magellan can be easily programmed to account for different dilutions' so please see the contact information at the end of this video to get additional tips and assistance.

This video example also outlines a very simple way derive concentrations via a two point standard curve. Depending on the level of accuracy you need, this two point curve method may be sufficient for your needs. If you need a higher level of accuracy, it would be best to explore the use of three or more standards in a dilution series and test the influence of fitting the points with a linear or non-linear curve to see how well the calculated concentrations correlate to their expected concentrations.


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