Flylady Morning Routine Review - easy daily success! Diane in Denmark

Описание к видео Flylady Morning Routine Review - easy daily success! Diane in Denmark

Flylady Morning Routine! Motivation, laundry, coffee! A simple morning routine that will change your day - let's be productive! Flylady Diane in Denmark, April 2017 For my updated Morning Routine (with hygge) see here!    • My Hygge Morning Routine! Danish Spri...  

For daily inspiration, Danish hygge and motivation, follow me on Facebook and Instagram!
  / dianeindenmark  
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👋😃I'm Diane in Denmark! A routines coach and hygge expert - here to bring a little bright spot to your day! You can support me by subscribing and liking this video! Need more help? Book a private coaching session with me!

#DianeinDenmark #Flylady #morningroutine #routines #GettingThingsDone #organization #DianeinDenmark #Denmark

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00:00 The Flylady Morning Routine!
00:40 Points to remember!
01:30 Out of bed, leave the bedroom tidy
02:50 Washing basket down to laundry room, load of laundry on, coffee
04:00 Shower/wash hair, make-up, style hair by candlelight
07:00 Bathroom tidy, swish and swipe toilet
07:45 Breakfast and run dishwasher
08:20 Hang up the wet laundry, fold dry laundry and put away
09:25 Look out tomorrow's outfit
10:15 Check "what's for dinner?", calendar
10:30 What is NOT in my Morning Routine?
12:00 Working outside the home or from home? Which Routine to focus on!
13:50 Thank you for liking and subscribing to Diane in Denmark!
14:40 Live long and prosper!

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