Does Soaking WeedEater Line In Water Actually Help? (DAY 4)

Описание к видео Does Soaking WeedEater Line In Water Actually Help? (DAY 4)

DAY 4 of ⭐30 DAYS OF QUESTIONS⭐ Does Soaking WeedEater Line In Water Actually Help? Steve has the answer!
Click below 👇👇👇 for the links to the other questions...

Does soaking weedeater line in water actually help? Trimmer line can become dry and brittle over time. The thought process is that storing it in water will help reduce line breakage and make it more flexible. I have been testing an assortment of different trimmer lines made by various manufacturers for years now and I finally have the results. Is it a myth or is there any truth to this, that soaking weedeater line in water will actually make a difference? Watch and I'll tell you what I found out!

⭐30 DAYS OF QUESTIONS⭐ - (Links will be updated as the videos are put out)
👉DAY 1 - Is A Stihl 4-Mix Engine A 2-Stroke Or A 4-Stroke? ➜    • Is A Stihl 4-Mix Engine A 2-Stroke Or...  
👉DAY 2 - Are John Deere riding lawn mowers made by MTD? ➜    • Are John Deere Riding Lawn Mowers Mad...  
👉DAY 3 - How Do I Break In A New Chainsaw? ➜    • How Do I Break In A New Chainsaw? (DA...  
👉DAY 5 - Why Does My Briggs Lawn Mower Say Never Change The Oil? ➜    • Why Does My Briggs Lawn Mower Say NEV...  
👉DAY 6 - Can I Use Outboard Mix Oil In My Chain Saw? ➜    • Can I Use Outboard Mix Oil In My Chai...  
👉DAY 7 - What Is Your Favorite Chain Saw? ➜    • What Is Your Favorite Chain Saw? (DAY 7)  
👉DAY 8 - Why Does My Grass Chute Keep Plugging Up? ➜    • Why Does My Grass Chute Keep Plugging...  
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👉DAY 10 - What Is Your Favorite Penetrating Oil? ➜    • What Is Your Favorite Penetrating Oil...  
👉DAY 11 - How Do I UnFlood My Chainsaw Or Weed Eater? ➜    • How Do I UnFlood My Chainsaw Or Weed ...  
👉DAY 12 - Why Is There Such A HUGE Difference In Gas/Oil MIX RATIOS? ➜    • Why Is There Such A HUGE Difference I...  
👉DAY 13 - Why Does My Leaf Blower Bog Out When I Pull The Trigger? ➜    • Why Does My Leaf Blower Bog Out When ...  
👉DAY 14 - What Does WARRANTY Actually Mean? ➜    • What Does WARRANTY Actually Mean? (DA...  
👉DAY 15 - Can I Remove ETHANOL From My Gas? ➜    • Can I Remove ETHANOL From My Gas? (DA...  
👉DAY 16 - Why Is My Pressure Washer So Hard To Pull Start? ➜    • Why Is My Pressure Washer So Hard To ...  
👉DAY 17 - Why does my chainsaw leak oil when I’m not using it? ➜    • Why Does My Chain Saw Leak Oil? (DAY 17)  
👉DAY 18 - Can I Use Old Dirty Motor Oil As Bar And Chain Oil In My Chain Saw? ➜    • Can I Use Old Dirty Motor Oil As Chai...  
👉DAY 19 - Should I Buy My John Deere Lawn Mower From Home Depot Or My Dealer? ➜    • Should I Buy My John Deere Lawn Mower...  
👉DAY 20 - Do Battery Powered Chain Saws Work Good? ➜    • Do Battery Powered Chain Saws Work Go...  
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👉DAY 22 - Will cleaning the rust off my flywheel help with spark? ➜    • Does Cleaning Flywheel Rust Give You ...  
👉DAY 23 - NO SPARK! How Do I Know If My Coil / Ignition Module Is Faulty? ➜    • NO SPARK! How Do I Know If My Coil / ...  
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👉DAY 25 - How Do I Fix An On/Off Kill Switch? ➜    • How Do I Fix An On/Off Kill Switch? (...  
👉DAY 26 - Why doesn’t my lawnmower have an oil drain plug on it? ➜    • Why Doesn't My Lawn Mower Have An Oil...  
👉DAY 27 - Why Is There Black Oil Coming Out Of My Muffler? ➜    • Why Is There Black Oil Coming Out Of ...  
👉DAY 28 - Can I Put A LONGER Bar On My Chain Saw? ➜    • Can I Put A LONGER Bar On My Chain Sa...  
👉DAY 29 - Why Does My Engine STOP Running After A Few Minutes? ➜    • Why Does My Engine STOP Running After...  
👉DAY 30 - Can I Make A Lawn Mower Run On Propane? ➜    • Can I Make A Lawn Mower Run On Propan...  


🔧WELCOME to the Steve’s Small Engine Saloon YouTube channel! Here you will find a vast library of easy do it yourself repair videos for all types of small engine equipment like chainsaws, weed eaters, hedge trimmers, brush cutters, leaf blowers, lawn mowers, pressure washers, generators, riding lawn mowers and so much more. I have been a small engine mechanic for over 30 years and my videos are absolutely loaded with tips and tricks that I have learned and want to pass on to YOU. 🙂

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