Vladimir Kornéev - Youkali (Official Music Video)

Описание к видео Vladimir Kornéev - Youkali (Official Music Video)

Vladimir Korneev is the new artist in residence of the Kurt Weill Fest in Dessau in March 2020. He honors Kurt Weill’s life’s work with his new show "YOUKALI" – named after the song Kurt Weill wrote in exile about an utopian land where everyone is respected, loved and welcome.

This video clip was filmed during Vladimir Korneev's rehearsals for his upcoming show "YOUKALI", which he will also present from the 11. March - 26. March at the high renowned german chanson theatre "Bar Jeder Vernunft" in Berlin.

Despite of huge successes like The Threepenny Opera, the work of Jewish composer Kurt Weill, who was born 1900 in Dessau and who matured to become an artist in Berlin's 1920s, has been forbidden by the the Nazis in 1933. Kurt Weill had to flee over Paris to New York and revolutionized the musical theatre on Broadway with pieces that were also filmed in Hollywood. Until his death in 1950 his artistic work was dedicated to the complete fusion of text, scene and music.


C'est presque au bout du monde
Ma barque vagabonde
Errante au gré de l'onde
M'y conduisit un jour

L'île est toute petite
Mais la fée qui l'habite
Gentiment nous invite
A en faire le tour

C'est le pays de nos désirs
C'est le bonheur, c'est le plaisir
C'est la terre où l'on quitte tous les soucis
C'est, dans notre nuit, comme une éclaircie
L'étoile qu'on suit
C'est Youkali

C'est le respect
De tous les Voeux échangés
C'est le pays
Des beaux amours partagés
C'est l'espérance
Qui est au coeur de tous les humains
La délivrance
Que nous attendons tous pour demain
C'est le pays de nos désirs
C'est le bonheur
C'est le plaisir

Mais c'est un rêve, une folie
Il n'y a pas de Youkali

Et la vie nous entraîne
Lassante, quotidienne
Mais la pauvre âme humaine
Cherchant partout l'oubli

A pour quitter la terre
Su trouver le mystère
Où nos rêves se terrent
En quelques Youkali

C'est le pays de nos désirs
C'est le bonheur, c'est le plaisir
C'est la terre où l'on quitte tous les soucis
C'est, dans notre nuit, comme une éclaircie
L'étoile qu'on suit
C'est Youkali

C'est le respect
De tous les voeux échangés
C'est le pays
Des beaux amours partagés
C'est l'espérance
Qui est au coeur de tous les humains
La délivrance
Que nous attendons tous pour demain
C'est le pays de nos désirs
C'est le bonheur
C'est le plaisir

Mais c'est un rêve, une folie
Il n'y a pas de Youkali

English translation of YOUKALI:
It’s almost at the end of the world
My vagabond boat
Drifting with the stream of the waves
Brought me there one day.

The island is tiny
But the fairy who lives there
Gently invites us
To go around the trip.

Youkali, it’s the land of our desires
Youkali, it’s happiness, it’s pleasure
Youkali, is where you leave all your sorrows behind
A shaft of light
Deep in the night
The star we follow
It’s Youkali.

Youkali, it’s the respect of all the exchanged wishes
Youkali, it’s the land of beautiful shared loves
It’s the hope
In the heart of all humans
The relief
We all await for tomorrow.

And the life leads us
Tedious routine
But the poor human soul
Seeking oblivion everywhere
By leaving the earth
The mystery got solved
Where our dreams hide
In that Youkali.

Youkali, it’s the country of our desires
Youkali, it’s happiness, it’s pleasure
Youkali, is where you leave all your sorrows behind
A shaft of light
Deep in the night
The star we follow
It’s Youkali.

Youkali, it’s the respect of all the exchanged wishes
Youkali, it’s the country of beautiful shared loves
It’s the hope
In the heart of all humans
The relief
We all await for tomorrow.
Youkali, it’s the country of our desires
Youkali, it’s happiness, it’s pleasure

But it’s a dream, a folly
There is no Youkali

But it’s a dream, a folly
There is no Youkali

#kurtweill #concert #berlin #vladimirkorneev #youkali #singer #chanson #kurtweillfest #chansonsinger


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