Women's struggles in Algeria : Quest for equality and for the repeal of the Family Code

Описание к видео Women's struggles in Algeria : Quest for equality and for the repeal of the Family Code

Every week since February 2019, millions of Algerian people are walking against the Algerian authorities. An unprecedented movement which has shaken a nation that didn’t believe in itself anymore. This documentary puts the light on how five young Algerians fight for their freedom. By telling us about their fight, they took insane risks in order to told their stories, to told us about their country. Despite the repressive measures against the hirak movement, the authoritative and military system that rules Algeria since its independence, has not consumed yet this popular and pacific movement.

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Through the testimonies of young Algerians, we discover a conservative and patriarchal Algerian society where it is forbidden to love outside of marriage. Sonia, a 26-year-old pyschiatrist, protests against the social and family constraints that relegate women to the status of minors. Talking about sexuality remains a taboo in Algeria, it can only be done in the shelter of inquisitive eyes, in Dikki, hiding places where young people meet to talk freely. Women are very present in the mobilization against Bouteflika, they demand alongside other activists of the Hirak more freedom and sexual freedom. Sonia, who is committed to the defense of women's rights, welcomes the essential place of Algerian women in the revolution. Indeed, through the revolution of the smiles, the Algerian women imposed themselves in the public space and were able to make themselves known and to shoot their anger for equality and to denounce the Family Code.

Original title - Algérie, mon amour
A film by Mustapha Kessous
Produced by Luc Hermann

© 2020, Licensed by CPB Films

#documentary #algeria #youth #protests #arabspring


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