SCP-049 Interview

Описание к видео SCP-049 Interview


  SCP-049: (In French) So, where do we start? Would you introduce yourself?

  Dr. Hamm: (Aside) Is that French? Can we have a translator?

  SCP-049: (In English) His Majesty's English! I quite well own it.

  Dr. Hamm: Good. My name is Dr. Raymond Hamm, I ...

  SCP-049: Oh! Doctor! A man of close mindsets, that's for sure. What is your specialty, sir?

  Dr. Hamm: Cryptobiology, and what ...

  SCP-049: (Laughs) A healer, like me. The world of miracles is full! And I lost weight! (Looks around) It followed that I involuntarily thought about it.

  Dr. Hamm: A commotion? What are you talking about?

  SCP-049: Pestilence! The Great Perdition. It’s called him, it’s ... well, it doesn’t matter. A rarity, yes. Do you know how this happens? Many have already fallen victim to it, many still have to fall, until the perfect medicine is created. Fortunately, I almost finished the job. I know this is life. Unbeatable Medicine!

  Dr. Hamm: You mentioned during the Great Perdition. Are you talking about the bubonic plague?

  SCP-049: (Pause) I do not know what it is.

  Dr. Hamm: I see. So, our agents were found in that house, so what? And revived?

  SCP-049: Hmm, you could say that. You look at things too simply, doctor! Broaden your horizons! Life and death, illness and health are amateur terms that amateurs use for healing. In our mortal world there is only one week, and his name is Poet. Nothing else! Every single one.

  Dr. Hamm: Do you think you have healed those people?

  SCP-049: Absolutely. My treatment is the most effective.

  Dr. Hamm: What we found there were no people.

  SCP-049: (Silent, drills Hamm's gaze) Yes, it is, the cure is not perfect. But it will come with time. And not without further experiments! Dr. Hamm to develop his methods. But we are wasting time. We are waiting for work! I would like to continue my refinement. I can provide them myself. (Laughs)

  Dr. Hamm: I do not think that our organization will give the green light to ...

  SCP-049: Nonsense. We are all people of science. Doctor, doctor. (Makes a gesture with a pointed cane) Our work begins immediately!



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