Music: Hesitation + Reactive Visualizer

Описание к видео Music: Hesitation + Reactive Visualizer

All video elements made in Adobe After Effects and compiled/edited in Adobe Premiere Pro.
All tracks performed on my Willaims Legato and recorded in Ableton Live Suite 11.
Ableton sounds, instruments and FXs used for each track listed below since I won't be recording and uploading the work file footage for this one since I made a video for it. Some of these sounds/instruments may be paid-for packs and not free ones as an fyi.
1. Grand Piano Reverse (starting pad that kinda sounds like strings)
2. Grand Piano + Echo Grains Effect (sounds like an amp)
3. Grand Piano + Velocity Piano Effect + Fat Low End Effect (leading piano melody)
4. Banshee's Wail (weird wailing lady pad)
5. MPE Spieluhr (accompaniment to the leading piano almost sounds like it)
6. Elektrafyde Drum Kit (2 of the drum notes)
7. House Meister Beatbox Drum Kit (other 3 drum notes)
As usual, MP3 version available on my Patreon and as usual thank you to my patrons for just being awesome people.
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