VIKING birch bark box DIY | Viking Tutorial - Viking Crafts (Ep. 1)

Описание к видео VIKING birch bark box DIY | Viking Tutorial - Viking Crafts (Ep. 1)


This video will teach you how to make your own birch bark container for viking reenactment with very simple tools. I strive to only use tools from the viking age. I must admit that my home made pump drill with convertible bits is not based on an authentic vikinge age reconstruction - but it works good for on-the-go projects. I forgot my hand forged viking carving knife on the second part of the trip, so I am using a modern Mora knife as the second best.

Almost everything you see in the video is handmade by me. Knifes, bags, tools, containers, clothing, shoes and so on. And besides the drill and the Mora knife all items are replicas of authentic viking age items.

Birch bark is harvested from birch trees with care and respect for the tree at the right times of the year to prevent damaging the tree. Sadly where I live there are no big birch trees to harvest so I must purchase my sheets from another craftsman.

Birch bark containers in the viking age are know in various shapes and sizes. I am aware of a few with lid and bottom also of bark stitched together. Containers of bend wood shingles also exist throughout the period and in Novgorod (Viking town in modern day Russia) many bark containers is found. In Denmark finds from Bornholm and Lindholm Høje is good examples. The one at Lindholm consists of only 1 thicker layer of bark and is stiched together in a different way. Birch bark has a high content of oils and the bark itself has antiseptic qualities and therefor are particularly good for food storage. Birch bark containers with butter inside is knows far down in history.

Music is Gjallar by Alexander Nakarada open Source Music.


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