Tamil New Year Celebrations | Apr 13, 2024 | Morning | Prasanthi Nilayam

Описание к видео Tamil New Year Celebrations | Apr 13, 2024 | Morning | Prasanthi Nilayam

Apr 13, 2024 | Morning | Tamil New Year Celebrations

The devotees from the states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala have come to the sacred abode of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba to usher in their respective New Year's festivities. As part of the proceedings, 'Sundaram Bhajan Group' offered bhajans at the Lotus Feet of Swami this morning.


3:31 - Omkaram
3:41 - Ganapathi Saraswati Prardhana
4:28 - Sri Rudram - Namakam
24:51 - Sri Rudram - Chamakam (3rd Anuvakam)
25:55 - Narayana Upanishad


32:23 - Omkaram (3 times)
32:54 - Gajamukha Gajamukha Gananatha
36:36 - Guru Deva Priya Deva Sai Deva
42:10 - Jaya Ma Jaya Ma Daya Karo Sai Ma
46:45 - Shambho Mahadeva Gangadhara
49:49 - Rama Rama Jaya Raghukula Tilaka
53:17 - Kamala Nayana Narayana
55:37 - Radhe Krishna Radhe Krishna Jai Sri Krishna Radhe Radhe
1:00:22 - Namami Sai Padapankajam
1:02:24 - Sarva Dharma Swaroopa Sai
1:06:50 - Krishna Krishna Mukunda Janardhana
1:09:33 - Ram Ram Bhajo Mana Hare Hare

1:12:44 - Divine Discourse
1:31:04 - Subrahmanyam Subrahmanyam (in His Divine Voice)

Bhajans (Cont'd)

1:33:42 - Jaya Vijayi Bhava Jaya Vijayi Bhava
1:36:39 - Anandame Sai Namame
1:38:35 - Aao Sai Gopal
1:42:22 - Arati
1:46:49 - Sai Gayatri

Prasanthi Mandir Vedic chanting schedule is available at https://bit.ly/3uPKwmG

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