Coronavirus: primary schools in England may re-open in June - BBC News

Описание к видео Coronavirus: primary schools in England may re-open in June - BBC News

Boris Johnson has said he hopes all primary age pupils in England can go back to school for a month before the summer break. And the government is advising that vulnerable children and the children of essential workers should return to school now.

The goal is for children to re-start Pre-school, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 on June 1st, if the coronavirus risk level allows it.

There's no return planned for England's secondary school children before the summer break. But teachers are being asked to arrange face-to-face time before then, for pupils sitting key exams next year.

However teaching unions have said they have serious concerns about the government’s plan to re-start primary education in England.

In Scotland and Wales there's no change to current policy and no planned school return dates. Scotland's First Minister has said June 1st would be too soon for primary schools classes to start there.

And in Northern Ireland, the education minister has said pupils will probably start returning to school in September.

In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, ministers have distanced themselves from the general approach of Boris Johnson to easing the lockdown. They are sticking to the “stay at home” advice which they insist is saving lives.

Huw Edwards presents BBC News at Ten reports from Education Correspondent Elaine Dunkley in Cheshire, from Wales Corresondent Hywel Griffith and from Scotland Editor Sarah Smith.

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