Sculpting Fire for miniature torches using Magic Sculpt Epoxy Putty

Описание к видео Sculpting Fire for miniature torches using Magic Sculpt Epoxy Putty

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Music: (Bensound)

Hey everyone, just wanted to quickly share one of the ways I sculpt fire for miniature torches. In this video I'm using Magic Sculpt which is a two part epoxy putty, similar to Green Stuff in that you have two parts that you mix together. Once you mix the two parts together you have a certain working time before the product begins to harden. Once the Magic Sculpt hardens completely you can sand, drill, and paint it as desired.

If you're new to sculpting I would recommend starting out sculpting fire. It is quick and easy once you get the hang of it. And, the great thing about sculpting fire is that pretty much anything that you come up with will look great once paint is added. Give it a go, and never feel intimidated, just keep moving forward and practice a lot, you'll get better at it.

Thank you for watching and if you enjoyed the video, please like, share, and subscribe. As always, please ask any questions you may have, I'll always answer. Take care and Game On!


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