Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba | Krishna Uddhava | Drama by Balvikas of Maharashtra/Goa | Jul 18 2005

Описание к видео Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba | Krishna Uddhava | Drama by Balvikas of Maharashtra/Goa | Jul 18 2005

This drama entitled "Krishna Uddhava" was enacted by the Balvikas students and young adults of Maharashtra and Goa on the auspicious occasion of Ashadi Ekadashi, Jul 18 2005, in the Divine Presence. It describes the glorious life of the greatest devotee of the Lord, Uddhava. Uddhava was like a shadow to Sri Krishna...He ate the leftovers of His meals, wore His discarded garments, and only lived wherever His Lord was. From his childhood, he yearned to be only with His Prana Sakha and none else. As he lived with God, he learned the meaning of true devotion and grew to shed any shred of ego and pride. By the end, his life was only Krishna...but yet, more growth was to happen. Before leaving His physical coils as Sri Krishna, the Lord would teach him how to give up even attachment to His own beautiful form, be an example to others, and ultimately realize his oneness with Him. The story of Uddhava is each of our story with our Sai Krishna...a story of yearning that grants the blessing of His proximity, His proximity which deepens our devotion, and that devotion which makes us see Him in each being we come across.


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