Buddhist Economics By Clair Brown

Описание к видео Buddhist Economics By Clair Brown

Buddhist Economics - www.buddhisteconomics.net
Traditional economics measures the ways in which we spend our income, and doesn’t attribute worth to the crucial human interactions that give our lives meaning.

Clair Brown, an economist at UC Berkeley and a practicing Buddhist, has developed a holistic economic approach, where the economy delivers a high quality of life in a sustainable world. Buddhist economics integrates sustainability, equity, and compassion. Complementing the paradigm-breaking work of Amartya Sen, Jeffrey Sachs and Bill McKibben, Brown integrates capability, shared prosperity, and sustainability in a Buddhist economic system that provides a comfortable, meaningful life for all people while protecting the environment. By replacing the endless cycle of desire with more positive collective activities, our lives can become richer as well as happier.

Buddhist Economics represents an enlightened approach to our modern world infused with ancient wisdom, with benefits both personal and global, for generations to come.


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