R1 Merciless Gladiator Priest Warrior TBC 2v2

Описание к видео R1 Merciless Gladiator Priest Warrior TBC 2v2

Zeaton and I are excited to present some of our TBC Priest Warrior 2v2 games to the community. When we started arena in TBC, we didn't expect to get Gladiator let alone a Rank 1 title. We hope you enjoy our games and our excited comms.

To those of you playing TBC Priest Warrior, we hope this might help you learn and enjoy the composition more. Over the course of Season 2, we made a lot of mistakes and lost tons of games to more than just the comp - it's frustrating to play at times, but keep learning and keep improving! We'll have a written guide coming soon* with more details on what we think about in each matchup.

0:00 - Rogue Mage 1
0:45 - Rogue Mage 2
1:19 - Rogue Druid 1
1:43 - Disc Priest Rogue 1
12:24 - Shadow Priest Rogue 1
13:19 - Resto Shaman Ret Paladin
17:31 - Druid Warlock 1
19:03 - Disc Priest Rogue 2
24:28 - Rogue Druid 2
26:05 - Holy Paladin Warrior
28:18 - Priest Hunter (on alts)
29:25 - Rogue Druid 3
30:50 - Warlock Rogue
31:43 - Disc Priest Rogue 3
32:43 - Druid Hunter
33:52 - Shadow Priest Rogue 2
34:48 - Rogue Druid 4
36:10 - Druid Warrior (Game from Season 3)**
42:26 - Disc Priest Rogue 4
44:33 - Rogue Druid 5
48:39 - Druid Warlock 2
54:55 - Rogue Mage 3
56:15 - Disc Priest Rogue 5

*We completed our written guide! https://docs.google.com/document/d/14...

**We didn't win any Druid Warrior games the last month of S2. Edit: S3 is definitely worse due to WD scaling, wins are few and far between vs WD. Stay strong fellow Priest/Warrior players.

Shoutout and special thank you to: Fuyu (Inorae), Rilos & Yoso, Webin, Jim, everyone in our guild CB, Agarwen, Ehto, Benny, Swaggasaurex (Calculatedx), Canitnerd & Killawave, and Oxytocin (of Pagle).


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