Is Your High B12 From This Food?

Описание к видео Is Your High B12 From This Food?

Do you have ongoing high b12 levels on a blood test and trying to figure out why your b12 is high?Maybe you're asking the question is my high b12 from food? In this video we're going to look at that question specifically what is the likelihood of food impacting your high b12 levels? How much is it contributing? what sort of things would you have to be eating for this to be a factor?
So we're going to look at this question around your food contributing to high b12. Many people ask this question if their high b12 could be coming from certain foods, eating specific type of diet. I want to look at this from a practical standpoint and couple that with some of the research and see how likely it would be for something like this to occur. so first of all the rda or recommended daily allowance for b12 is around 2.4 micrograms per day. Yes this is a very small amount and it's just the minimum amount of b12 you need not to become deficient or have some long-term health issue. Of course, some people may need slightly more some people may need slightly less depending on genetics and different things like that. This gives us a rough idea of how much b12 somebody needs and this is around the same amount that we're basically losing every day through through our urine through our digestive tract. so that just means anything above that say two to four micrograms could be you know stored in the tissues and your body does store some b12 in muscles it stores it in the liver and other tissues throughout the body so once you get above a certain threshold in terms of
intake through food or whatever that's where you're going to see it start showing up in the blood as higher amounts so let's say you're using about three to five micrograms a day and you're losing about three to five micrograms a day.


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