German is actually cute

Описание к видео German is actually cute

Süß, oder? 😚🇩🇪 (Cute, right?) Which languages do you think sound "sweet", and which languages do you think sound "harsh"? 🤓

For me...I think Spanish sounds sweet and musical, while Russian sounds harsh and kinda angry 🙈 But that's because I don't speak both languages...yet 🌝

But then again any language sounds harsh if you're screaming and angry so 🤬

Oh and of course there are other ways to say hello, goodbye, and ouch in German. This video only shows examples ☺️🇩🇪

👉 "Spiel nicht die beleidigte Leberwurst" (literally: don't play the offended liver sausage) means don't be someone who's easily offended 😂✨ #redewendung4life

*Correction: it's "tschüssie" without the s 😅

**PS: Someone filmed me filming this video and I will let you guys know what happened soon! 🤣


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