Istanbul Archaeological Museum, Turkey's first museum - (4k-60fps)

Описание к видео Istanbul Archaeological Museum, Turkey's first museum - (4k-60fps)

Istanbul Archaeological Museums is a museum complex consisting of three main units: Archaeological Museum, Ancient Oriental Works Museum and Tiled Kiosk Museum. The Archaeological Museum, which is the first museum in Turkey, has a collection of more than one million artifacts from various cultures brought from the imperial lands.

In 1887-1888, a need arose for a museum building where important artifacts such as the Alexander Sarcophagus and the Tabnit Sarcophagus, brought to Istanbul from the Sidon (Sidon, Lebanon) Royal Necropolis Excavations, which were considered the most important discovery of the period, could be exhibited. Thereupon, the Archaeological Museum, founded under the leadership of archaeologist, painter and curator Osman Hamdi Bey and named Müze-i Hümayun (Imperial Museum), was opened to visitors on June 13, 1891.

The structure was built by the famous architect of the period, Alexandre Vallaury, and the left and right wings were added in 1903 and 1908, forming today’s Main Museum Building. The works in the exhibition halls in the Main Building are exhibited in chronological order with an emphasis on the ancient center.

These works include the Weeping Women Sarcophagus, Tabnit Sarcophagus, Alexander Sarcophagus from the Sidon Royal Necropolis Excavation; the Branchite statues, Kore and Kouros (young girl and boy) statues from the Didyma-Miletus Sacred Road from the Archaic Age to the end of the Roman Age, the Lion Statue from the Halicarnassus Mausoleum; the head of Aphrodite from the famous Pergamon Zeus Altar, the portrait of Alexander the Great; and the sculptures found in the three great marble cities of the Roman period, Aphrodisias, Ephesus and Miletus.

Halls 1, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 on the ground floor of the Istanbul Archaeological Museums Directorate buildings and all of the halls on the upper floor; the “Assos Exhibition Hall” and “Istanbul’s Surrounding Cultures: Thrace, Bithynia – Byzantium” exhibition halls on the ground floor of the Annex Building are closed to visitors.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who founded the Istanbul Archaeological Museum?
In order to preserve the artifacts collected here, Osman Hamdi Bey had the building known today as the Istanbul Archaeological Museums built by drawing plans from Architect Alexandre Vallaury. This building was the first to be designed as a museum building in Turkey and began to welcome visitors in 1891 under the name of “Müze-i Hümayun”.

Where does the Istanbul Archaeological Museum rank in the world?
In addition to being the 3rd largest archaeological museum in the world, it is a very important place in terms of the rare works it contains.

Istanbul Archaeological Museum Is it forbidden to take photos?
Photos and videos can be taken as long as they are without flash.


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