Webinar: Power Electronics (GaN & SiC)

Описание к видео Webinar: Power Electronics (GaN & SiC)

Urmimala Chatterjee (imec) and Tobias Erlbacher (Fraunhofer IISB) will present a webinar on Power Electronics. Urmimala and Tobias work on different platform technologies, GaN and SiC respectively. We are looking forward to sharing their complementary experience and views on the topic, leading to interesting innovative discussions!

GaN power IC for power electronics (Urmimala Chatterjee, imec)
It is well known that GaN technology can drive the high frequency operation for power circuits beyond today’s limit. However, this extremely good frequency capability introduces some challenges to operate the transistor efficiently. Although discrete GaN devices today dominate the GaN market, monolithically integrated GaN power IC fully utilizes the fast-switching capability of GaN technology by reducing the parasitic and ringing, that enables a fast efficient switching operation. The goal of this tutorial is to introduce the details of monolithically integrated GANICs in all GaN technology. This monolithic integration in GaN technology faces some technological and circuit level challenges. As a potential solution IMEC proposes to implement it on GaN-on-SOI (silicon on insulator) substrate with trench isolation to fully isolate the HEMTs as well as their respective silicon device layers that are cut off horizontally by a trench. This tutorial will take you to a deep dive into IMEC’s GaN-on-SOI technology.

SiC Technology – Towards future Power Devices & ICs (PD Dr.-Ing. Tobias Erlbacher, Fraunhofer IISB)
Silicon carbide (SiC) has turned into an established material for high voltage power semiconductor devices. This talk will start with a brief recap of the SiC device and processing history to date. On the basis of this success, the presentation will then focus on chances to further exploit the availability of SiC manufacturing technology in combination with 150mm and 200mm processing lines and recent developments towards new horizons. Present trends in power device fabrication are summarized and discussed. This includes TrenchMOS and Superjunction devices as well as bipolar SiC switches. Additionally, the presentation features the utilization of SiC CMOS technology towards integrated circuits for harsh environments. High temperature analog signal amplification will serve as an example. Additionally, some of the challenges involved with doping Silicon carbide and the corresponding modelling will be addressed. Finally, the presentation will include a summary towards SiC fabrication technology on 150mm and 200mm wafers.


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