Hello everyone, In todays video I'm going to share with you how Madre De Agua is going to help me minimize my pigs consume of commercial feeds until harvest. As a solution to my on going problem of fatteners live weight buying price and the un availability of many good buyers, I have found a solution while waiting without sacrificing a weight loss of my fatteners. Madre De Agua is well known to its many nutritional value such as dry matter, crude protein, crude fat, ash, calcium, total phosphorus, gross energy. Aside from its Nutrional value it is also a very friendly plant that provide cool shade and prevent soil erosion because its roots grows downward deeper in the ground and not crawling above the ground. The Madre De Agua plant is a forage that can be fed to a variety of animals and in my case I use it mainly for my pigs. It is also easy to plant, easy to grow and easy to manage. Harvest the young stems with its leaves on it and just give it directly to pigs to enjoy, less work for the farmer. To all pi farmers in the Philippines and all over the world I encourage you to plant Madre De Agua along with your pig business and you will also benefit from its use. If you are new to our YouTube channel please watch some of my previous videos that show case my madre de agua plantation in my little backyard, see How I make use of my little rocky land and turned it into more profitable farmland. You will also learn when and how to plant this kind of plant. The type of soil it needs and many more.
To all our expat retired viewers who are interested in raising pigs here in The Philippines, This video might help you in deciding whether or not pigs business is a good business to have especially if you want to go on big scale. I have been a pig farmer for almost 11 years now, and I have been trying to do every tricks and alternative just to stay in business. I started the pigs as I retired last 2014 and I started small, then expand and expand thinking I will be making money or good profit, I stayed as piglets supplier or seller for many years and maintain 4 sows and later on Got a boar . Selling piglets is not as much as profitable than selling fatteners, so Like many other backyard farmers I tried keeping piglets and grow into fatteners, 8 months ago I sold 3 big fatteners and made a good profit using Bmeg buy back program with the buying live weight price of 170 pesos, Si then 4 months ago due to the threat of Swine flue affecting the Island of Biliran, People were so scared to raise pigs and thus making me of no choice than to raise our own piglets, right now we have total 26 fatteners, 4 months old, 3 months old and one month old that all are ages after weaning. The unfortunate part is that fatteners requires big financial capital and put me into a big deep trouble this days. The fatteners that suppose to be sold Last November 24 is still here due to border and swine problem, plus the strict border control of our gov. Not only that, aside from the delay of harvest the company that suppose to buy the fatteners lowered their buying rate from 170 down to 155, that's a loss of 30dollars each pig. Being a pig farmer I can say that people in power doesn't really care for small pig raisers. So if you want to start pigs make sure you have direct buyer that you know where you can bring your fatteners harvest on time of harvest. My solution to this problem is to lower my piglets supply or what we call downsizing , sell some sows and not raise fatteners, I better stayed at piglets seller shorter time to care, lesser finances capital. Be smart guys, if you want to retire here in peace stay out of business I guess 😆. Hobby farm is good like just raise chickens, goats some pigs or cow for your own food consumption but not for business.
In this video I also share how beautiful living and retiring here in the province Philippines, As Im on the last stage of pregnancy I am required to do walking everyday, So today is a very beautiful day to walk, 2o minutes down to the church and 40 or 50 minutes walk up back home in the mountain. Overall its a very good start of the month.
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