Laharpur (Sadhaura) to Sargodha || Partition Story 1947 || India to Pakistan ||

Описание к видео Laharpur (Sadhaura) to Sargodha || Partition Story 1947 || India to Pakistan ||

Sher Muhammad Ch was about 15 when Pakistan emerged on the map of world. He was living in Laharpur, tehsil Sadhaura, district Yamuna Nagar, Haryana, India (then district Ambala, Punjab).
Laharpur was a beautiful village in foots of Shimla and adjoining hills. It was village of hindus (60%), muslims (30%), sikhs and others.
They were living peacefully. Earning bread by farming, kids going to Sadhaura Muslim high schools, getting honey and peacock eggs from jungle in ruins of old castle, taking bath in cool water flowing from hills.
They left Laharpur for Sadhaura on account of bad situation around the village. When other village fellows, muslims, left the village they were attacked and many were killed.
Baba Sher Muhammad also lost his family members, father, maternal uncle, cousine and brother in law.
They lived in Sadhaura camp for many days. Those were tough days indeed. Life was very uncertain.
All others left for Pakistan while Sher Muhammad along with his elder brother stayed in Sadhaura. They expected to travel with military convoy.
Elder brother went to find other family members and did not return. Sher Muhammad had to cross the border along with other unknown persons.
In Lahore they found each other. How? It is a painful story.
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