'We got no help': Residents in flood-affected areas begin clean-up efforts

Описание к видео 'We got no help': Residents in flood-affected areas begin clean-up efforts

As the floodwaters begin to recede, some residents are beginning the clean-up.

A number of residents have been out hosing down their homes and clearing out the rubbish and debris that washed up onto their front yards.

“About 4am, I woke up, and I was like ‘what’s that noise?’ and we had no sandbags, no one came around offering sandbags,” McGraths Hill resident Tamara Evans told Sky News Australia.

“I’m on my own with my daughter, so I can’t lift sandbags on my own.

“No one offered sandbags this time, no one came around looking to help, so we got no help.”


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