CG Compositing Series - 1.1 What And Why

Описание к видео CG Compositing Series - 1.1 What And Why

This is the first video in the CG Compositing Series

I will cover What CG compositing hopes to accomplish, and Why we need passes to help us manipulate our CG

00:00 - intro
00:35 - What is a CG multi-pass Render?
00:50 - Why do we need it?
02:25 - Intro to Fruitbowl and practical use of passes
04:07 - Terms and Definitions
04:58 - Nuke Script SourceImages
05:40 - Stamps
07:35 - Different types of Renderers
10:16 - Default Renderers and 3rd Party
11:32 - Most Common Renderers in 2021
12:45 - Renderers Used in this Series
13:32 - Inspiration and Credits
15:40 - Intro to CG assets in script
17:30 - Ways to View Render Passes
28:45 - Layers vs Channels
40:09 - AOVs
42:11 - Difference Between Renderers
43:39 - Basic AOV rebuilds
46:54 - Basic Rebuld Equations per Renderer
47:48 - Outro

Please visit the blog post for the full write up, sources and downloads accompanying each video.

Or Head to my Compositing Blog for more posts and videos:


Download the FruitBowl Renders for the Series

My Friend and fellow artist, Chase Bickel, has kindly provided us with some high quality renders of a FruitBowl to download for free and play around with.

Download the FruitBowl renders now, or I will always post the links at the top of each video and blog post for you to download later:

You can Choose to either download all 3 FruitBowls at once: (1.61 GB)

Or Each FruitBowl Render Individually for faster downloads: (569.1 MB) (562.8 MB) (515.4 MB)

You can place the FruitBowl renders files into the /SourceImages/ folder of the project files folder accompanying each video and nuke will reconnect the read nodes.

Head to the blog post for more details.

Please remember, Basics -- Advanced -- Template, the series will dive into some very deep topics, so it's good to cover these fundamentals


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