A Winter's Tale | Chapter Six|Pursuing a 3lb Grayling | Trotting for Big Grayling on the River Nith

Описание к видео A Winter's Tale | Chapter Six|Pursuing a 3lb Grayling | Trotting for Big Grayling on the River Nith

The majority of our recent fishing has centred around our persevering determination to put a 3lb Grayling in the net, and in all fairness, the resulting sport has been nothing short of sublime. Conditions have often been challenging and on the odd occasion we have perhaps made it more difficult for ourselves than it need be, but every session on the magical River Nith has produced stunning examples of theses iconic fish; most of which being well over the 2lbs mark.

Chapter 6 of ‘A Winter’s Tale’ sees this determination continue, but on this occasion a low, clear and very cold river may just produce the stumbling block that we’ve so far managed to avoid. However, we’ve never been one to back down from a challenge, so the bid to exceed our previous best of 2lbs 13oz continues.



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