Digging Sapphire & Ruby Lapidary Grade Corundum North Carolina Gem Hunting 2021

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Ruby and Sapphire Corundum Tips North Carolina Propst Farm 2021 Digging Gems Lapadary Grade

The World Famous Propst Farm in Lincoln County, North Carolina.

Corundum is Ruby, and Sapphire can be collected at Propst Farm. This place is challenging to dig because after each daily hunt, you are required to fill in your hole. The positive is that this deposit in Lincoln County, North Carolina, is an alluvial that touches the surface down. This paid to dig spot is $30 dollars a day to dig in the provided area on the farm. if you are interested in collecting Ruby and Sapphire at Propst Farm, you can contact the owner Ronald via Facebook Propst Farm Facebook page to get all information and set up your date to dig Reservation required. Propst can be challenging due to it being extremely tough spot and separate the red clay from the rocks and crystals providing a challenging atmosphere to collect. don't get discouraged on your first trip here it takes multiple trips to get the hang. there are plenty of tips that can lead you in the proper direction. I hope to be putting together more detailed videos in the near future to help provide more successful digging Propst Farm in Maiden , North Carolina.

Unsalted pay to dig mining.

It is spelled ( Propst Farm ), not Probst Farm....

Crystals and specimens in the videos are most likely available for purchase. you can contact me.

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