Lumbar Disc Replacement Treatment | Dr. Todd Lanman

Описание к видео Lumbar Disc Replacement Treatment | Dr. Todd Lanman

The recommended treatment for lumbar spine disease is often Artificial Disc Replacement. ADR is especially common in the neck, with 9 discs approved for the cervical spine. It’s slightly less common in the back, with just 2 FDA-approved discs still on the market, prodisc L and the activL disc. These two discs provide great results compared to fusion, which can limit movement and mobility.

For some, ADR isn’t always an option. For example, Dr. Lanman has a fusion in his L4-5 and L5-S1 in addition to his three artificial discs. This is because his vein in this area had too much scarring from previous surgeries.

With ADR, you can always opt for fusion if it fails for some reason. With fusion, there’s no going back. Even still, there’s life after spinal surgery, whether it’s Artificial Disc Replacement or spinal fusion.


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