Low Cost Poultry Farm | Chicken feeding in summer season | Homemade chicken feed | Poultry feed

Описание к видео Low Cost Poultry Farm | Chicken feeding in summer season | Homemade chicken feed | Poultry feed

Naturally, your chickens will eat less grain in the summer months. This is normal because of a few factors. There are other things to eat, that taste better to a chicken than chicken feed. Bugs, weeds, grasses, and worms are plentiful tasty tidbits!

What should you feed your chickens in the summer?
During summer, you'll want to limit the amount of scratch grains you feed. The high amounts of corn found in scratch can increase their body heat production, and make them feel even hotter in summer. Instead, encourage your chickens to scratch and forage by giving them leafy greens, grass, weeds, or dandelions.

Is corn good for chickens in the summer?
They love it! Yes, corn is considered a “hot” food. But this “heat” is a caloric measure, not temperature. Eating high-calorie foods keeps chickens warm in the winter because it fuels their metabolisms, the same way that comfort food gives us energy to shovel snow.

How many times a day should I feed my chickens?
How Often to Feed Chickens. Ideally, you should split your chicken's feed into two servings daily. If you're home during the day, you can even make this 3-4 small feedings. Chickens enjoy small, frequent meals as opposed to large meals once a day.

This Video is About Summer Flock Care including Summer Chicken Foods and How to Keep Chickens Cool in Hot Weather Conditions
Here's What to Feed Chickens in The Summer.
Give Fresh Complete Chicken Feed in the Morning and Evening in a Shaded area, Offering Treats only the Flock has finished it's complete Feed. Offer Cold or Frozen Fruits and Vegetables as a Summer time Treat. We can Use Parsley, Yogurt, Mint, Wheat Oats / Barley to Keep Our Chickens Cool in Hot Weather Conditions.
Summer Heat Tends to reduce Feed intake, So the Complete Chicken should be the First Priority. When Birds have a Balanced Diet, Plenty of Water and a Cool and Comfortable Environment, They are Better able to remain Healthy and Productive and Enjoy a Peaceful Summer.

How to Encourage our Chickens for Feed intake During Summer
Summer Feeding For Chickens
Feeding Chickens Seasonally
What do you Feed Chickens in Hot Weather
What is the Best Feed for Chickens in Summer
Backyard Chickens Summer Feed
Backyard Poultry Summer Care
What to Feed Chickens in Summer
Caring for Chickens in the Extreme Summer
Ways to Keep Chickens Cool in Summer
What do Chickens Eat During Summer
Summer Flock Care and Management
What to Feed the Chickens in the Summer Months
Chicken Summer Diet
Tips for Keeping Your Backyard Chickens Cool
Chicken Treats
Hot Weather Feed For Chickens
How to Keep Chickens Cool in Summer
Best Summertime Treats for Chickens
Chickens and Heat

#ChickenSummerFeed #SummerFoodForChickens #SummerFlockCare
#ChickenFarming #PoultryFarming #asilchickens

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