What Is A Husband's Role In Marriage | Paul Friedman

Описание к видео What Is A Husband's Role In Marriage | Paul Friedman

Have you ever ask yourself what should be the husband's role in marriage? Watch Paul gives you helpful information for you to understand what marriage is all about.

I'd like to help you see marriage and I'd like to help you see more of what it means to be the husband. Also, I'd like you to understand more about your wife's role, why not take a look at the whole thing? Because if you have this sort of bird's eye view you'll be able to implement more of the right things in your marriage than if I just say, you need to be like this and you need to do that. Understand that marriage is between ahusband and wife in some cases, I understand it's same sex but there's still these two roles: the masculine and the feminine. This is nature itself. It's kind of a cosmic thing masculine and feminine. It exists throughout creation.

In marriage, if it's more than companionship then you have these two elements and you're asking this question so you want to know about the male role. And for that what we do is we go
into understanding male from a biological point of view first because you can't ignore it for each of you, a man and a woman. I know there are a lot of Christian values superimposed based on scriptureand there's nothing wrong with those but they're misunderstood because they come across as dictates. I'd like you to understand it from structurally.

Why it is the way it is?

Let's take a look. Biologically, the woman is equipped with the procreative tools to carry and care for another human being. A new soul who's coming into from their point of view a new family to help them get started on planet earth. And the wife therefore, the woman is equipped to do so by kind of tricks that nature plays. Because if you think about it caring a human being within you is asking a lot -- that's a huge responsibility. It's a huge burden. It takes a lot of energy, takes a lot of focus.

You can't just have a baby and walk away. Go back to work do whatever you want that baby will die. It has to be cared for. So what nature has done with the woman to make her good at taking bearing and taking care of this child is nature has given the woman, and not the man, given the woman a connection to her heart that is incredible. That's why we look up to women because they have this heart connection and everyone knows what I'm talking about here is that heart is the soul. The woman has the connection to her true being.

Nature doesn't want her to just become one with God again, one with her soul, and I'm not doing a religious thing -- I'm explaining this. It's scientific actually. Just because western science hasn't acknowledged that it's still real and it'll make perfect sense to you. And western psychologists who don't want to acknowledge God and souls and all that call it consciousness -- it doesn't even matter. It's the soul. The woman is tied to her soul and because nature doesn't want her
released into that soul because then she'd have no desire to have sex which you have to have in order to have children. Nature confuses women with emotions because the emotions that a woman feels is very similar to that feeling of intuition. It's very similar.

Women routinely mistaken their emotions for a soul connection. They trust their emotions. In fact that's the latest thing in the psych world is trust your emotions which is nonsense because your emotions are actually -- I won't get into the whole thing but they're just components in the mind. Here you have a woman who's really connected to her heart. This is what's about your wife and as a result, her capacity for reasoning is typically not the same as a man's. They don't even interact like men do. They interact with each other almost without speaking and they're really good at that, at interacting. They're really good at it.

Women get along with other women really well, usually. Obviously, nothing is absolute in this world including this but most women get along with other women. It doesn't mean they're not catty behind each other's backs but they interact well. What do they need? If they're busy
taking care of these children and they're hyper-focused on it because this is the biological role that they have no choice but to fulfill if biology has its way and I'm telling you everything being
equal natural. Then they look to men for two things, primarily. One is they look to men to become pregnant to give them the sperm they need to fertilize their egg but we know how evolution works and even if we're Christian we can't deny evolution. They select the best that they can have, and what are they looking for?

Watch the video for more.

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