Voice Actors - Stephanie Panisello, Nicole Tompkins, Maggie Robertson, Nick Apostolides, Neil Newbon

Описание к видео Voice Actors - Stephanie Panisello, Nicole Tompkins, Maggie Robertson, Nick Apostolides, Neil Newbon

The Voice Actors Panel from Insomnia 70 - Sorry about the sound quality... For reasons I don't understand, Insomnia put this stage right next to an immersive zombie shooting range, making it really hard to get good audio!

The panel features Neil Newbon (Resident Evil, Deliver Us Mars), Nick Apostolides (Resident Evil, Life Is Strange), Stephanie Panisello (Resident Evil, Genshin Impact), Nicole Tompkins (Deliver Us Mars, Resident Evil) & Maggie Robertson (Resident Evil Village, BACK 4 BLOOD), hosted by WeeClaire.


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