Survivor - High on You 'Live in Japan 1985' (Guitar Cover)

Описание к видео Survivor - High on You 'Live in Japan 1985' (Guitar Cover)

I got the albums Vital Signs and When Seconds Count at the same time and I listened to the latter first as it had the song 'Is this Love' (which I have also covered). When I came to listen to Vital Signs and I heard this song, I could've sworn I had just heard it in the form of the song 'How Much Love' from When Seconds Count. I regard 'High on You' as the older sibling to that song and I think I prefer the chorus on this one. Love hearing Jimi's voice, especially live where he seems so effortless. Frankie has a cool tone on this album and the next, somewhat softer Strat style but really suits and he uses similar phrases on both. Good example of finding parts that fit.

Other Survivor and Jimi covers:
Is This Love -    • Survivor - Is This Love (Guitar Cover)  
I'm Always Here (Baywatch Theme) -    • Jimi Jamison - I'm Always Here (Baywa...  

I have a Patreon where I upload my notation notes for all my new covers and I am going through my old ones too. But I also provide custom notation and video lessons content there or at my [email protected] address. Please get in touch if you want help playing the music you love.   / bwm5150  

I use a Jackson Dk2 Dinky, into a Boss Me50 for all my tones, into a Palmer Pdi-09 speaker sim (to simulate an amp), into a Focusrite Scarlet interface, into Logic Pro X where I mix it with the track using some reverb and EQ.


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